Birbirlerinden habersiz aynı evi satın alan iki gencin (Demir ve Selin) hikayesini anlatıyor. Her ikisi de evi terk etmeye istekli olduklarından, evde birlikte yaşamak zorunda kalırlar.

Everyone is furious at Burak because of the encounter at Eylül House. Demir now takes a radical decision to completely solve the problems between him and Selin and sets new rules. Selin will do her best not to follow these new rules, while Demir will do his best to ensure she does. Though it seems things have starting working out at Artemim, more crisis awaits the company.

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No 309
No 309
Yayın tarihi: 01 haziran 2016 çarşamba
Seni Kalbime Sakladım
Seni Kalbime Sakladım
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