"Goliath" örgütünün gizli planlarıyla, istihbarat ve casusluk hileleriyle, ülkeyi bölmek, haritanın özelliklerini değiştirmek, darbeleri planlamak ve ülkeleri sabote etmek için "yalnız kurt" un destansı bir hikayesi.

After the death of Sezai Paşa, the important name of the Yıldırım Project in the Turkish Armed Forces, it is a matter of curiosity who will replace him. Will things continue from where they left off? As the tension between Doğan and Nizam rises, it creates new negotiations. Sare and Altay, who carefully follow these negotiations, evaluate opportunities within the framework of new information. For Sare, the surprise guest that suddenly appears carries a risk that could ruin everything. As a result of the right moves made by Altay, new opportunities for moves arise. Altay is aware of the need to be careful. Davut clearly outlined Altay's goal, telling him to find out who the "heads" of Doğan and Nizam were and to destroy the dragon's seven heads at once. There are attempts to intervene in various units of Turkey from afar, but the Patriots are also prepared for this. There is an environment in which continuous strategies, analyses, and plans are made. As a result of these events, will Altay be able to reach the information he wants? Will other events happen to him while trying to access information? How effective will external interventions be to the Yıldırım Project? Will Altay be able to turn this critical corner? Who replaces Sezai Paşa and what will change with his arrival? What is the surprise that will show us what Goliath is still capable of? What is the special task that Altay has to perform for number 5? Where is the hell where Altay was sent by Mira in the finale that would surprise everyone?

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