"Tuzak" tells the revenge story of three brothers Umut, Mahir and Umay, who had their childhood taken away from them.

In a world where it is hard to tell who is good and who is bad, what is real and what is fake, these three brothers, united by a common goal, will discover that they are not as connected as they thought.

On the other hand, siblings Güneş, Guven, and Mete who believe they love their father's approval and a comfortable life more than Dach other, bond against a common enemy.

In "Tuzak", as Umut takes revenge against the family he hates, his biggest conflict is Güneş, who he realizes is the love of his life as he gets to know her.

Meanwhile, Gunes, who knows Umut as a dirty lawyer named Çınar Yılmaz, unaware of his actual goal, will leave the fate of her family and herself in the hands of this man with whom she falls in love.


Tuzak serisi Marau015flu0131 serisi ile Och Krush serisinin birleu015fimidir.  

Tozak dizisi TV 8 kanalu0131nda yayu0131nlanmaktadu0131r.

Bu dizi bir ardu0131l anlatu0131.

Aile ve gizem iu00e7 iu00e7edir.

Hikaye, basit ama ilerici bir fikre ve insanlaru0131n hayatlaru0131nu0131 kaybetme noktasu0131na gelen iu015f yaru0131u015fmalaru0131na kadar uzanu0131yor.  

u0130u00e7inde Yargi ve u00c7okur gibi bau015faru0131lu0131 dizilerden tanu0131du0131k yu00fczler gu00f6ru00fclu00fcyor.

Dizinin son anu0131na kadar sizi u015fau015fu0131rtacak ilginu00e7 bir bu00f6lu00fcm aru0131yorsanu0131z bu bu00f6lu00fcmu00fc kau00e7u0131rmayu0131n.  

Dizinin yayu0131n su00fcresi 4 Cumartesi gecesidir.


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