Drama dizisi, gözden düşen bir anne ve küçük kızı Serra'nın sıradan bir mahallede yeni hayatlarına alışmaya çalışırken yaşadıklarını konu alıyor. Kendi ayakları üzerinde durmayı öğrenen Serra, zengin ve güçlü Kutlusoy ailesinin varisi Selim ile karşılaşacak ve kesinlikle kıvılcımlar uçuşacak.

How will Selim persuade Serra to make peace? What will Biricik's cooperation with Ali cost? How will Asena's pregnancy change the balance in Kutlusay? How will Burak's return affect the relationship between Selim and Serra? Serra's frustration causes her to question herself and she believes that she cannot compete with the girls around Selim. Love ignites again when Selim convinces Serra to eat together, ignoring the attempts of Biricik. Seeing that his daughter is in love with Selim, Nilgün cannot prevent Selim from coming to his door. Asena is threatened by Ihsan when her close relationship with Barış is revealed. Learning that she is pregnant, Asena thinks that her baby can put her marriage back on track. For this purpose, she is ready to break down all obstacles in front of him. Bircik falls into a difficult situation in the face of Ali's blackmail. On the other hand, when she tries to use Nazlım to put Serra into a conspiracy, things become inextricable. The only name that can come to the rescue of Biricik will be Burak, who has finally recovered. Another event that will mark the 6th episode is Selim's birthday. A big secret is revealed when a surprise guest arrives at Selim's birthday party.

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