Bir ömür boyu ihanet, Ezgi'nin Bay Doğru'yu bulma umutlarını yok eder ve çapkın Özgür ile tanıştığında felaket için bir reçete gibi görünür, ancak kader ve dırdırcı anneler, mutlu bir son aramak için komplo kurar.

The beloved game of Özgür and Ezgi, who returned from Göcek, is now over. They both feel sorry that they will relax and move on with their lives, on the contrary. Ezgi invites Serdar out to dinner, but he is very confused.  He feels that he no longer wants it as much as he used to, and he alternates between his feelings and his logic. So he finds excuses and tries to postpone dinner. Özgür is no longer the same in Serdar. He started to be uncomfortable with his presence. Ezgi also notices these changes in Özgür and begins to question whether she is in love with him.

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