İrem helvacıoğlu'nun anlattığı tatlı ve heyecanlı bir polis komedisi. Her hafta bir cinayet konusunun işleneceği dizide, çocuğunun babası bir cinayete karıştıktan sonra kaybolan Şahin ve İpek isimli psikoloğun maceraları ele alınacak. Emniyette işe başlayan İpek ve cinayet büro şefi Şahin birbirine çok zıt iki karakterdir.

A difficult murder case awaits İpek and Şahin, who dare to breathe a sigh of relief after the collapse of the 'Network' and the arrest of the criminals. The clues obtained give the impression that they are dealing with a serial killer. While the two are dealing with this case, the organized branch asks Ipek for help with an interrogation. Şahin's old friend from the academy, who calls İpek, is the chief inspector Aytuğ, whom he does not like very much. Known for his flirtatiousness, Aytuğ's attempt to get close to İpek makes Şahin jealous. On the other hand, Nazlı, who created an event on social media with her latest video, pursues a negative comment. She will get help from Yener in this regard. However, things don't go as she expected and she finds herself at the police station. On the other hand, Nermin and Doruk, who live their love in secret, are seen by Mehmet. Mehmet, who calls Doruk to his side, forces him to make a choice.

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